Summer is the time when families vacation, are on the go and just simply don't have down time. I've been hearing from a few who just began their home businesses in Direct Sales how they are "no good at it", "my sales are few or none" or "I failed at it".
Success comes from a positive attitude and positive actions. If you went to work everyday at your "job" with a negative attitude and actions, it reflects back on you... Whether it drifts and your co-workers become negative, your pay or promotions never increase, etc.... I can say I have been there thinking those same things until one day I decided I couldn't let negativity control my day to day routines..... Within a short time of changing my attitude and actions people started to gain in interest in me and what I did on my done time, etc.
With this change I followed four simple rules that I now call the Four P's...
Preparedness: Make sure you evaluate, investigate and understand the product and company you are looking to represent. Many "just sign" when they here hype... Before you join and I ask my prospects this.... is this a product/company you can stand behind, is this a product you enjoy yourself and is this something you see creating a long-term residual income for yourself.
Patience: We all know how long it takes to climb a corporate ladder, start a traditional business or even get a degree... What we have in the age today is a huge advantage with Direct Sales/Network Marketing! The advantage is we have the ability to control our destiny but we should not expect it overnight! When you sit back and say "You know what, I can do this, I will do this, I will succeed and I know it will take time" the difference will be seen. Yes, there are those who, just like gambling, got lucky and had what I would call overnight success, but to keep it they still have to work hard at it.
Positivity: Your attitude reflects on the people around you.... Think about this... You are in a room full of people who are laughing, getting along and having fun.. Uh Oh! Here comes Mr. Boss with that look!! Notice the room suddenly quotes, peoples' heads go down and well the nerves are rattled.. Bye Bye Fun! But if Mr. Boss comes in smiling, laughing and joining your fun the spirit stays... Well you are Mr. Boss. Which one do you emulate? The frowning, negative, sad faced one or the happy, smiling, laughing, uplifting one. In all negativity there is positivity... Choose the positivity even in the most negative circumstances and you will again, see a positive change.
Perseverance: I'm simply going to put the definition....
1. Steadfastness in doing something despite difficult or delay in achieving success.
2. Continuance in a state of grace leading finally to a state of glory.
The definition speaks for itself and reverts back to preparedness, patience and positivity.
This is a practice I have found useful and thought others might be able to draw inspiration from in their businesses and daily life.
Success comes from a positive attitude and positive actions. If you went to work everyday at your "job" with a negative attitude and actions, it reflects back on you... Whether it drifts and your co-workers become negative, your pay or promotions never increase, etc.... I can say I have been there thinking those same things until one day I decided I couldn't let negativity control my day to day routines..... Within a short time of changing my attitude and actions people started to gain in interest in me and what I did on my done time, etc.
With this change I followed four simple rules that I now call the Four P's...
Preparedness: Make sure you evaluate, investigate and understand the product and company you are looking to represent. Many "just sign" when they here hype... Before you join and I ask my prospects this.... is this a product/company you can stand behind, is this a product you enjoy yourself and is this something you see creating a long-term residual income for yourself.
Patience: We all know how long it takes to climb a corporate ladder, start a traditional business or even get a degree... What we have in the age today is a huge advantage with Direct Sales/Network Marketing! The advantage is we have the ability to control our destiny but we should not expect it overnight! When you sit back and say "You know what, I can do this, I will do this, I will succeed and I know it will take time" the difference will be seen. Yes, there are those who, just like gambling, got lucky and had what I would call overnight success, but to keep it they still have to work hard at it.
Positivity: Your attitude reflects on the people around you.... Think about this... You are in a room full of people who are laughing, getting along and having fun.. Uh Oh! Here comes Mr. Boss with that look!! Notice the room suddenly quotes, peoples' heads go down and well the nerves are rattled.. Bye Bye Fun! But if Mr. Boss comes in smiling, laughing and joining your fun the spirit stays... Well you are Mr. Boss. Which one do you emulate? The frowning, negative, sad faced one or the happy, smiling, laughing, uplifting one. In all negativity there is positivity... Choose the positivity even in the most negative circumstances and you will again, see a positive change.
Perseverance: I'm simply going to put the definition....
1. Steadfastness in doing something despite difficult or delay in achieving success.
2. Continuance in a state of grace leading finally to a state of glory.
The definition speaks for itself and reverts back to preparedness, patience and positivity.
This is a practice I have found useful and thought others might be able to draw inspiration from in their businesses and daily life.